This is the second in our three-part series “Why project discipline isn’t only for projects”. In this issue, we’ll explore the meaning of ‘lite’ project management and how it can benefit your everyday, business as usual (BAU) work.

To remind yourself on the distinction between projects and BAU, refer to the first part of our series posted here.

To those who are not project managers, project management is commonly associated with daunting and complex methodologies and bureaucratic paperwork; but it doesn’t have to be this complicated. Many project management skills, techniques and practices are hugely beneficial to the BAU environment. It’s all about adopting what works for you and your organisation.

Is project management only for projects?
At Tregaskis Brown, we’d argue not.

When done right, adopting project management approaches can support you to:

  1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of what’s required from the work and how best to deliver it
  2. Successfully meet the various expectations of your stakeholders i.e. your manager and others who have an interest in the outputs of the work

Using ‘lite’ project management involves understanding:

  • The need for the activity
  • Your goal
  • Who the stakeholder(s)are; and their expectations
  • Who the decision-makers are; and the decisions required
  • The key deliverables
  • Your time-frame
  • The resources required
  • What might get in the way of you achieving your goals

Not all your day-to-day work requires this thinking, but it is particularly useful for pieces of work that are likely to need multiple resources and take a more than a few weeks to complete.

Planning is a commonly dreaded activity – but as the 6 P’s rightly suggest:

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Clearly defining the work and how it will be delivered saves time in the long-term and reduces the likelihood of unforeseen limitations to achieving your goals.

Capturing your plan in a concise, easy to read format will help you nail your understanding of the most important aspects of the work and can be used as a communication tool with stakeholders. Tregaskis Brown has developed a simple BAU plan-on-a-page template to help you through this process. Follow the link to download this easy to use template.

Sticking to the agreed work plan is the goal, but changes in circumstance often disrupt smooth sailing, and that’s okay. If your work strays off plan, it’s crucial to assess the impact, make changes to the plan and communicate these changes to ensure you achieve what you set out to do. On the reverse side of our template you will find guidance on how to manage some possible scenarios.

The next issue of this series will touch on BAU work that unintentionally evolves into a project, helping you determine the scale of project management discipline that’s appropriate for the project.

If you’d like some support with dening your work, developing a plan for your work or ensuring it’s delivered successfully, give us a call and we’ll be able to guide you on a project management approach which can benefit you.


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About the Author

Sanne joined Tregaskis Brown as a graduate consultant in June 2021, after completing a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management, and a Bachelor of Arts in Media, Film and Communication.

“During my time with Tregaskis Brown I’ve worked with a range of people, most of whom exhibit natural project management tendencies without even knowing it. It’s great to see them succeed after adopting proven project management practices.”